Invitation for Tender (Single Lot)    Status:Approved


Ministry/Division : : Ministry of Energy, Power and Minearal Resources
Agency : : Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd. (PGCB)
Procuring Entity Name : : XEN, GMD, Khulna(North)
Procuring Entity Code : :
Procuring Entity District : : Khulna
Invitation For : Works
Invitation Reference No : 27.21.0000.450.07.004.24,432
Date : 21/07/2024


Procurement Method : NCT One Stage & Two envelope Tendering Method


Budget and Source of Funds : : Own Funds Own Funds
Development Partner :


Project/Programme Code :
Project/Programme Name :
Tender Package No : GMD-KN-24-25-W1
Tender Package Name : Installation of 132/33 kV, 25/41 MVA Third Transformer with Gantry Structure and Bay equipment at Goalpara Grid Sub-station under GMD, Khulna (north), PGCB.
Tender Publication Date : 24/07/2024
Tender Last Selling Date : 18/08/2024
Tender Closing Date and Time : 18/08/2024 03:00 PM
Tender Opening Date and Time : 18/08/2024 03:00 PM
Office Address Information
Selling Tender Document (Principal) Online(e-GP)
Receiving Tender Document e-GP
Opening Tender Document e-GP
Selling Tender Document (Others) e-GP
Place/Date/Time of Tender Meeting (Optional) : Place : e-GP    Date:    Time: 11:30 AM


Eligibility of Tenderer : : 1.The bidder must have a valid trade license. 2.The bidder must have a TIN Certificate with update Tax return document. 3.The bidder must have a updated VAT Registration Certificate and NID Document. 4.The bidder must have a minimum 132 kV voltage level equipment Carrying, installation, testing and commissioning work experience. 5.The bidder must have a satisfactory completion of Transformer and High voltage (Minimum 132 kV) equipment installation work of at least Tk. 1.85 Crore (One crore Eighty Five Lac) Under 1(One) contract over last 5(Five) years. 6.The bidder must have Bank solvency or Credit line of BDT 2.00 Crore (Two Crore lac). 7.The bidder must have a construction turnover of BDT 3.0 crore over last 3(three) years. 8.For supply Item, if supplier is not manufacturer, submit the authentic authorization letter of manufacturer. 9.The bidder must attached catalog and specification for supply item. 10.The bidder must submit equipment and manpower list with tender document. 11.All type of Insurance cost must be borne by the contractor. 12.In case of sub-contractor appointment, must be attached their information. 13.Maximum 2 (two) running bill may be payment in total work.
Brief Description of Goods or Works : : Installation of 132/33 kV, 25/41 MVA Third Transformer with Gantry Structure and Bay equipment at Goalpara Grid Sub-station under GMD, Khulna (north), PGCB. Major work: 1. Carrying materials from deferent Power Grid Bangladesh PLC Store. 2. Carrying Transformer from Bhandria Grid Sub-station. 3. Supplying 33 kV OCB, Fittings and Control cable according to the approve GTP. 4. Transformer and equipment foundation constriction according to the approve design. 5. Gentry structer supply and erection according to the approve design. 6. Integration with existing SCADA/NLDC System. 7. Testing and commissioning. etc
Brief Description of Related Services : :
Tender Document Price : : 4000
Tender Lot Information
Lot No Identification Location Security Amount Completion Time in Weeks/Months
1 GMD-KN-24-25-W1 Goalpara Grid Sub-station 180 Day


Name of Official Inviting Tender : : Tarun Kumar Biswas
Designation of Official Inviting Tender : : Executive Engineer
Address of Official Inviting Tender : : GMD, Khulna(North), Power Grid Bangladesh PLC, Pabla, Khalishpur, Khulna.
Contact Details of Official Inviting Tender : : Phone: 01713850414 , Fax: , Email:
The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject all tenders