Invitation for Tender (Single Lot)    Status:Approved


Ministry/Division : : Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives
Agency : : Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity Name : : Mayor, Gazipur city corporation.
Procuring Entity Code : :
Procuring Entity District : : Gazipur
Invitation For : Works
Invitation Reference No : 46.19.0000.
Date : 19/03/2023


Procurement Method : NCT Open Tendering Method


Budget and Source of Funds : : Development Budget GOB
Development Partner : Development & OWN Funds


Project/Programme Code :
Project/Programme Name :
Tender Package No : GCC-Zone-4-2-RD-01,
Tender Package Name : (R-01) Improvement of road by BC/RCC from gazipur women College to Esali Bridge via South Chayabithi, Banglagacha and Nilerpara.
Tender Publication Date : 26/03/2023
Tender Last Selling Date : 26/04/2023
Tender Closing Date and Time : 27/04/2023 02:00 PM
Tender Opening Date and Time : 27/04/2023 02:00 PM
Office Address Information
Selling Tender Document (Principal) Throw E-gp Syetem
Receiving Tender Document Throw E-gp Syetem
Opening Tender Document Throw E-gp Syetem
Selling Tender Document (Others) Throw E-gp Syetem
Place/Date/Time of Tender Meeting (Optional) : Place : Throw E-gp Syetem    Date: 19/03/2023    Time: 04:30 PM


Eligibility of Tenderer : : ITT 15.1(a) The minimum number of years of general experience of the Tenderer in the construction works as Prime Contractor shall be 5 (Five years) (years counting backward from the date of publication of IFT in the e-GP web portal) ITT 15.1(b) The minimum specific experience as a Prime Contractor in construction works under public sector of at least 01 (One) contract of similar nature complexity and methods/construction technology successfully completed within the last 05 (five) years, each with a value of at least BDT.20,35,00,000.00 ( Twenty Crore Thirty Five Lakh only) (years counting backward from the date of publication of IFT in the e-GP web portal) ITT 16.1(a) The required average annual construction turnover i.e total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed under public sector from respective procuring entity shall be greater than BDT 41,20,00,000.00 (Forty one Crore Twenty Lakh only) over the last 05 (Five) years. Only Payment certified shall be considered for assessment ( years counting backward from the date of publication of IFT in the e-GP web portal) ITT 16.1(b) The minimum amount of liquid assets or working capital or credit facilities of the Tender shall be BDT. 9,40,00,000.00 (Nine Crore forty Lakh only) .(Bank statement/ credit line(s) issued by any scheduled Bank of Bangladesh not earlier than twenty-eight (28) days prior to the day of the original deadline for submission of Tenders for this Contract) [ credit line(s) issued by any scheduled Bank of Bangladesh in the format as specified form, credit facilities should be substantiated by credit sanction letter and bank statement . ] 43.3 Tenders having quoted the offer in percentage is more than 10 (Ten) percent above or below the official cost estimated of the proposed works, shall be rejected
Brief Description of Goods or Works : : (R-01) Improvement of road by BC/RCC from gazipur women College to Esali Bridge via South Chayabithi, Banglagacha and Nilerpara.
Brief Description of Related Services : :
Tender Document Price : : Tk.4000
Tender Lot Information
Lot No Identification Location Security Amount Completion Time in Weeks/Months
01 GCC-Zone-4-2-RD-01, GCC, zone-3 6000000 31.12.2023


Name of Official Inviting Tender : : Md. Akbar Hossain
Designation of Official Inviting Tender : : Additional Chief Engineer
Address of Official Inviting Tender : : Nagar Bhaban, Gazipur city corporation , Gazipur.
Contact Details of Official Inviting Tender : : Phone: 01711343683 , Fax: , Email:
The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject all tenders