Invitation for Request for Expressions of Interest    Status:Approved


Ministry/Division : Ministry of Housing and Public Works
Agency : Urban Development Directorate
Procuring Entity Name : Project Director, Preperation of Comprehensive Development Plan for Twelve Upazilas
Procuring Entity Code : 1320401
Procuring Entity District : Dhaka
Expression of Interest for Selection of : Consulting Firm (International)  (Time-Based)
Title Of Service : Preperation of Comprehensive Development Plan for Twelve Upazilas
EOI Ref. No. : 25.45.0000.
Date : 21/11/2024


Procurement Sub-Method : Selection under a Fixed Budget(SFB)


Budget and Source of Funds : Development Budget GOB
Development Partners : NA


Project/Programme Name : Preperation of Comprehensive Development Plan for Twelve Upazilas
EOI Closing Date and Time : 12/12/2024 2.30 pm
Publication Date : 01/12/2024


Brief Description of Assignment : UDD is undertaking a project emtitled "Preparation of Comprehensive Development Plan for Twelve Upazilas" with an area of approximately 28/61 sqm. UDO he decided to engaging Banglales Surice and consulting Firm out of Geft finance under the packages is mentioned in clause 201 for making Preparation of Comprehensive Development Plan for Twelve Upazilas nciating Fuliola & Dhumoris Upania, Dotrict Koelna, Rajapur & Kathalia Upazila District-halakathi, Pangsa Kuakhali & Balkandi Upazila, Districs Rajban Gobindaganj Upazila District Gaibandha Upazila District Narsingdi, Tamikanda & Phulpur Upazila, Dutrict Mymensingh, UDD has decided to engage Bangladeshi Survey Firm the the task entitled "Physical Feature Sarvey with Establishment of BM pillar. di Sadar & Narsingdi Palash
Experience, Resources and Delivery Capacity Required : Hardware and Software Computer, Survey Equipment (RTK. Total Station, Leveling Machine). Large Format Plotter, Arc GIS compatible Photogrammetric Workstation, Vehicle & Arc GIS (latest version) Licensed Software Related Professionals: During Survey Work: Survey expert, GIS/RS Expert, Junior GIS Expert. GIS Technician, Junior Lirban Planner and Photogrammetric Expert as relevant to respective Packages Resources: Office Space, Financial and Managerial Strength, Computer, Survey Equipment, Large Format Plotter, Arc GIS compatible Photogrammetric Workstation, Are GIS Software, Vehicle and other logistics etc for 06 (Six) packages During Planning Work: Physical feature survey work. Database Management, Plan Preparation finalization wich plan book Report Writing (Bangla & English) and Preparation of Mauza schedule moura plot No) Beak Experience of Firm: The firm should have minimum 05(Five) years similar work experience in conducting physical feature and other related surveys. Interested Survey Firms are hereby invited to submit Re-Eol containing printed brochures (showing organizational identity and background), Legal Documents, Bank Solvency showing managerial and financial standing (according to PPA 2006 and PPR 2008), Legal Trade Liceme, VAT Registration Certificate, Valid TIN Certificate, Memorandum of Article (If applicable), Nationality Certificate of Authorized person, NID card of authorized person, staffing and inventory of resources and logistics confirming the firm's capabilities to provide the required services. In case of JVCA, necessary legal documents must be provided with the Re-Eol as per PPA 2006 and PPR 2008. Photocopies of all documents should be attested by a first Class Gazetted Officer and submitted with Re-Eol. The consulting firm alone or joint venture or association (as per PPA 2006 and PPR 2008) can submit Re-Eol for Maximum 2(Two) packages but their technical resources manpower, equipment and logistics (as per clanse 161 should be different for different packages. Survey firm will subma one (1) original and one (1) true copy of the Re-Ent for each package separately in sealed envelopes marked with the This and Specific Package Name with an clesituen copy
Other Details (if applicable) :
Association with foreign firms is : Not Applicable
Eoi Detail Information
Ref No Phasing Of Services Location Start Date Completion Date
1 NA Fultola and Dumoria Upazila, District khulna March/2025 December 2026
02 NA Rajapur & Kuthalia Upazila, District-Jhalakathi(Area) March 2025 December 2026


Name of Official Inviting EOI : MD Hahamud Hossain
Designation of Official Inviting EOI : project Director
Address of Official Inviting EOI : Preperation of Comprehensive Development Plan for Twelve Upazilas
Contact details of Official Inviting EOI : Phone : 02223351213, Fax : +88-02-9557868, Email :
The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject all tenders