Invitation for Request for Expressions of Interest    Status:Approved


Ministry/Division : Ministry of Finance
Agency : Social Development Foundation (SDF)
Procuring Entity Name : Managing Director (Acting), Social Development Foundation (SDF)
Procuring Entity Code :
Procuring Entity District : Dhaka
Expression of Interest for Selection of : Consulting Firm (National)  (Time-Based)
Title Of Service : Hiring firm for Conducting Skill Development and Employment Generation Training on RMG & Leather Products for RELI Project of SDF Package S-39.0(RELIP)
EOI Ref. No. : SDF/Proc./Service/S-39;40;41;42;43(RELIP)/2024/3734
Date : 20/11/2024


Procurement Sub-Method : Quality and Cost Based Selection(QCBS)


Budget and Source of Funds : Development Budget Grant/Credit
Development Partners : World Bank


Project/Programme Name : Resilience, Entrepreneurship and Livelihood Improvement Project (RELIP)
EOI Closing Date and Time : 05/12/2024 03:00 PM
Publication Date : 25/11/2024


Brief Description of Assignment : Hiring firm for Conducting Skill Development and Employment Generation Training on RMG & Leather Products for RELI Project of SDF.
Experience, Resources and Delivery Capacity Required : "Eligible criteria/requirements for hiring TPOs: • The concerned TPOs/institution must have at least five (05) years of practical experience Certification by registered authority of BTEB and NSDA in providing mentioned skill development training and employment generation to trainees nominated by SDF. • Adequate institutional capacity and evidence to ensure the employment Job placement of at least 85% of the skilled trainees must be attached to the EOI. • Furthermore, organizations registered by the Bureau of NGO Affairs/ Directorate of Social Services/ Register of Joint Stock Companies & Firms will be given priority in the initial selection process. In this case, the institutions shall submit the attested copies of the said certificates with EOI. • Interested applicants should submit an annual report and an annual audit report (last three years from the current year) and an attested copy of the bank solvency certificate along with EOI. • Please also follow the ToR (available in SDF website) for rest of requirements for hiring TPOs.
Other Details (if applicable) : "• Incomplete/partial EOIs will be rejected. Interested firm(s) must provide focused information demonstrating that they are qualified to perform the services. • The firm shall be selected in accordance with World Bank Guidelines for selection of Consultants (July 2016 revised November 2017 and August 2018) & PPR-2008. • Activities of implementing units are given in ToR • The authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the EoIs or process at any stage without incurring any liability to the affected firm(s) • After advertisement of Re-EoI the previous EoI shall be deemed cancelled. • The EoI and Terms of Reference are available in the website of SDF ( and further information (if required) from the office of the undersigned from 9.00am to 3.00pm (except holidays).
Association with foreign firms is : Not Encouraged
Eoi Detail Information
Ref No Phasing Of Services Location Start Date Completion Date
- NA


Name of Official Inviting EOI : Md. Mahbubul Alam, FCMA
Designation of Official Inviting EOI : Managing Director (Acting),
Address of Official Inviting EOI : Social Development Foundation (SDF), Address: 22/22, Khilzi Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka -1207.
Contact details of Official Inviting EOI : Phone : -, Fax : , Email :
The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject all tenders