Invitation for Request for Expressions of Interest    Status:Approved


Ministry/Division : Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges
Agency : Roads & Highways Department (RHD)
Procuring Entity Name : Additional Chief Engineer, RHD, Khulna Zone, Khulna.
Procuring Entity Code : khuz001
Procuring Entity District : Khulna
Expression of Interest for Selection of : Consulting Firm (National)  (Time-Based)
Title Of Service : The Non-Government Organization (NGO) shall primarily assist the PIU of Roads and Highways Department (RHD) in land acquisition.
EOI Ref. No. : 01/EOI/NGO/ACE Khu/2024-2025
Date : 10/07/2024


Procurement Sub-Method : Quality and Cost Based Selection(QCBS)


Budget and Source of Funds : Development Budget GOB
Development Partners :


Project/Programme Name : Land Acquisition and Utility Shifting for Improvement of Bhanga-Jashore-Benapole Highway to 4-Lane project.
EOI Closing Date and Time : 12/08/2024 04:00 PM
Publication Date : 10/07/2024


Brief Description of Assignment : Conduct a full census survey in project area (according to Feasibility Study the amount of Land Acquisition is estimated about 392.45 hectares which may vary as per final design) to collect data on land acquisition, to assist in Utility Shifting Process, Land Acquisition Consultation and Participation activities, Data Management and Monitoring process. Assist in revising of LAPs and preparing necessary numbers of new LAPs in consultation with the project Director, if required. Hire surveyors and all other support staffs. Assist in collecting latest Mouza Maps, Parcha/Khatian. Provide logistic support during the survey/ field verification conducted by DC, UNO, AC Land, PWD, Forest Department, Water Development Board and RHD etc. Close Liaison with Deputy Commissioner (DC) and PD, RHD to expedite the land acquisition and compensation process and assisting in demarking the Right of Way. If necessary, they will revise the LA Plan as per actual requirement. Arrange monthly and periodic co-ordination meeting through RHD involving the Representatives of the Executing Agencies/Departments and others concerned on a regular basis. Arrange Transport, Transport Fuel and provide other relevant support for the Joint Verification Survey Assist and provide all other logistic support in Utility Shifting Process also assist RHD in making correspondence with the concern utility agencies. Conduct information and communication campaigns regarding land acquisition, required legal documentation and procedures also establish A2i. Assist RHD in maintaining record of land acquisition and keeping compensation and payment related records, Design and develop a Computerized Management Information System (CMIS) to manage data and generate reports as instructed by the Project Director. Prepare a LA schedule, Utility Shifting Schedule and Monitor all land acquisition and utility shifting related activities also prepare monthly and periodic progress report. Assist in publishing Gazette for acquired land and provide necessary support in settling litigations, if any. Monitor all acquisition related activities and prepare progress reports on behalf of RHD highlighting monthly progress in all areas as well as implementation issues/constraints that require decisions by RHD, and other agencies involved. Assist RHD in Land Acquisition and Land Taking-over from Deputy Commissioners and handing over of land to the Contractor.
Experience, Resources and Delivery Capacity Required : The NGO must have experience in land related survey, Land Acquisition, Utility shifting and implementation of resettlement action plan in large-scale completed development projects. The sole applicant NGO or the lead firm of a JV applicant NGO must be registered in Bangladesh under the NGO Affairs Bureau and the Department of Social Welfare. The NGO shall have the experience in implementing preferably 02 (two) Land acquisition and Utility shifting programs in Bridge/Highway/Railway development Projects in the last 10 (ten) years in Bangladesh. Experience of working in Land Acquisition and Utility Shifting under Roads and Highways Department or in any other government agency will get preference.
Other Details (if applicable) : Other Details The EOI shall include: Profile of the NGO (e.g., representatives, address, number of staff, history, and other information to introduce itself). General experience of the NGO in brief. Copy of updated/renewed registration certificate with NGO Affairs Bureau and Department of Social Welfare. Also copy of updated trade license. Copy of audited financial reports of NGO for last three years. Provide information on each assignment completed for which the firm and each associate (JV member only) for this assignment, was legally contracted either individually as a corporate entity or as one of the major companies within an association for carrying out consulting services (i.e. land survey, land acquisition, resettlement plan and monitoring) similar to the ones requested under this assignment. The EOI will include such similar experience information which has been completed within the last 10 (Ten) years. The information shall be supported by the copy of experience certificate (Completion Certificate) issued by the respective client and contract document (with salient features for identification only). Summary of permanent professional and technical employees with key qualifications (in tabular form). Interested NGO may obtain additional information from the office of the undersigned. EOI with all supporting documents must be submitted at or before 4:00 pm by 12 August, 2024 in sealed envelope, marked with "NGO Services for Land Acquisition and Utility Shifting for Improvement of Bhanga-Jashore-Benapole Highway to 4-Lane project and delivered to the address of the undersigned. The EOI shall be submitted in one (1) original, two (2) copies, and one soft copy in USB in a sealed envelope. The final selection of NGO shall follow Quality and Cost-Based Selection (QCBS) procedure in accordance with the Public Procurement Rules 2008. Interested applicants/firms are advised to visit the site at their own cost before submitting the EOI.
Association with foreign firms is : Not Applicable
Eoi Detail Information
Ref No Phasing Of Services Location Start Date Completion Date
01/EOI/NGO/ACE Khu/2024-2025 The Non-Government Organization (NGO) shall primarily assist the PIU of Roads and Highways Department (RHD) in land acquisition. Bhanga-Benapole


Name of Official Inviting EOI : Syed Aslam Ali
Designation of Official Inviting EOI : Project Director & Additional Chief Engineer, RHD
Address of Official Inviting EOI : Khulna Zone, Sarak Bhaban, Boyra, Khulna.
Contact details of Official Inviting EOI : Phone : 02477701378, Fax : , Email :
The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject all tenders