Invitation for Tender (Single Lot)    Status:Corrigendum


Ministry/Division : : Ministry of Energy, Power and Minearal Resources
Agency : : Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Company Limited (BAPEX)
Procuring Entity Name : : General Manager (Administration)
Procuring Entity Code : :
Procuring Entity District : : Dhaka
Invitation For : Goods
Invitation Reference No : 28.09.0000.
Date : 10/07/2024


Procurement Method : NCT One Stage & Two envelope Tendering Method


Budget and Source of Funds : : Own Funds Own Funds
Development Partner :


Project/Programme Code :
Project/Programme Name :
Tender Package No : 01
Tender Package Name : Engagement of Clearing & Forwarding (C&F) agent for Clearing & Forwarding of imported goods from Chattogram Sea Port and Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka under BAPEX for 3 (Three) years.
Tender Publication Date : 14/07/2024
Tender Last Selling Date : 30/07/2024
Tender Closing Date and Time : 31/07/2024 11:00 AM
Tender Opening Date and Time : 31/07/2024 12:00 PM
Office Address Information
Selling Tender Document (Principal) Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration & Production Co. Ltd. (BAPEX), Accounts & Finance Division, BAPEX Bhaban (Level-3), 4, Kawran Bazar C/A, Dhaka-1215.
Receiving Tender Document i) Local purchase Department, Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration & Production Co. Ltd (BAPEX), BAPEX Bhaban (Level-4), 4 Kawran Bazar C/A, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh. ii) Deputy Police Commissioner’s Office Tejgaon Division, Dhaka Metropolitan Police 22/5, Khilji Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207 iii) Gas Transmission Company Ltd (GTCL) Plot# F-18/A, Agargaon, Sher-E-Banglanagor, Dhaka-1207.
Opening Tender Document Local purchase Department, Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration & Production Co. Ltd (BAPEX), BAPEX Bhaban (Level-4), 4 Kawran Bazar C/A, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.
Selling Tender Document (Others) i) Regional Office, BAPEX, Port Connecting Road, Saraipara, Chattogram. ii) Petrobangla, Accounts Division, Petrocenter, 3 Kawran Bazar C/A, Dhaka. iii) Gas Transmission Company Ltd (GTCL) Accounts Division, Plot# F-18/A, Agargaon, Sher-E-Banglanagor, Dhaka-1207.
Place/Date/Time of Tender Meeting (Optional) : Place :    Date:    Time: 11:15 AM


Eligibility of Tenderer : : • The minimum number of years of general experience of the tenderer in contracting industries in govt./ semi govt./ autonomous bodies/any other reputed organization of Clearing & Forwarding as C & F Agent shall be 10 (Ten) years. • The minimum specific experience as a C & F Agent in providing Clearing & Forwarding of imported goods from Chattogram Sea Port and Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka at least 01 contract of similar nature completed over a period of 05 (five) years, contract with a value of 1,00,00,000.00 (One Crore) taka shall be required. • The Tenderers must have specific experience in Clearing & Forwarding services shall be 07 (Seven) years. • The Tenderers must have specific experience of minimum amount of 5000 (Five Thousand) MT goods Clearing & Forwarding in any 01 (One) year of previous years. • Tenderers shall have the legal capacity to enter into the Contract under the Applicable Law. • Tenderers shall be enrolled in the relevant professional or trade organisations registered in Bangladesh. • Tenderers shall have fulfilled its obligations to pay taxes under the provisions of laws and regulations of Bangladesh.
Brief Description of Goods or Works : : Engagement of Clearing & Forwarding (C&F) agent for Clearing & Forwarding of imported goods from Chattogram Sea Port and Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka under BAPEX for 3 (Three) years.
Brief Description of Related Services : :
Tender Document Price : : Tk. 3,000/- (Three Thousand). Non-refundable.
Tender Lot Information
Lot No Identification Location Security Amount Completion Time in Weeks/Months
01 NA Dhaka 7,00,000.00 (Seven Lakh) Taka for Chattagram Sea Port and 5,00,000.00 (Five Lakh) Taka for Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka with the Validity up to 148 days from the opening date respectively. Three years


Name of Official Inviting Tender : : Md. Asad Ullah
Designation of Official Inviting Tender : : General Manager (Admn.)
Address of Official Inviting Tender : : Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration & Production Company Ltd. (BAPEX), Administration Division, Level-5, BAPEX Bhaban, 4 Kawran Bazar C/A, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
Contact Details of Official Inviting Tender : : Phone: Tel: 02-55011774 , Fax: , Email:

Advertisement Corrigendum(s)

Date Of Corrigendum



Tender Last Selling Date : 11/08/2024
Tender Closing Date : 12/08/2024
Tender Closing Time : 11.00 am
Tender Opening Date : 12/08/2024
Tender Opening Time : 12.00 pm
Eligibility : • The minimum number of years of general experience of the tenderer in contracting industries in govt./ semi govt./ autonomous bodies/any other reputed organization of Clearing & Forwarding as C & F Agent shall be 10 (Ten) years. • The minimum specific experience as a C & F Agent in providing Clearing & Forwarding of imported goods from Chattogram Sea Port and Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka at least 01 contract of similar nature completed over a period of 05 (five) years, contract with a value of 1,00,00,000.00 (One Crore) taka shall be required. • The Tenderers must have specific experience of minimum amount of 5000 (Five Thousand) MT goods Clearing & Forwarding in any 01 (One) year of previous years. • Tenderers shall have the legal capacity to enter into the Contract under the Applicable Law. • Tenderers shall be enrolled in the relevant professional or trade organisations registered in Bangladesh. • Tenderers shall have fulfilled its obligations to pay taxes under the provisions of laws and regulations of Bangladesh.
Goods Or Works Description : Engagement of Clearing & Forwarding (C&F) agent for Clearing & Forwarding of imported goods from Chattogram Sea Port and Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka under BAPEX for 3 (Three) years.
Status : Active

Date Of Corrigendum



Tender Last Selling Date : 27/08/2024
Tender Closing Date : 28/08/2024
Tender Closing Time : 11.00 am
Tender Opening Date : 28/08/2024
Tender Opening Time : 12.00 pm
Status : Active
The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject all tenders